I’m very happy with the outstanding services provided to my child that has additional needs and all the support from all the Educators ensuring all my child’s needs and interests are met. As a full time working parent my child spends more time with the Educators and the fact that my child has severe anxiety staff members always make sure they use effective strategies to settle her in a way that most days she is fine when I leave. No words can express my appreciation to all the Educators outstanding work. They are my child’s second family and forever will be grateful.

Carla Sbezzi

This service has developed my child into a confident and enthusiastic young person. My child trusts the staff, confides in them, learns from them and is comfortable to question her environment while growing in her understanding. The staff are professional and provide a high level of care that I cannot fault. They build rapport with me as a parent and involve me in decisions and programming. I couldn’t think of sending my child anywhere else!

Kara Thornill

Thank you for your service this year. I appreciate the excellent level of communication your team has delivered. From regular newsletters, updates, photos & feedback with regards to my child’s behaviour, set backs & achievements. Thank you for offering your advice & helpful strategies for at home too. As always, staff are very friendly, genuine and approachable not only to children but to parents as well. I have peace of mind knowing my child is safe in your care. My child has enjoyed fun activities including dancing, sports, drawing. We look forward to your service next year and many more years to come.

Rawene Lotoaniu

My child loves to attend before and after school care and in the last school holidays, he wanted to attend everyday. He had so much fun. He enjoys all the activities available and this place helps him to be with other children his age.

Anna Ingrati

I would like to congratulate all the staff who once again have given all parents the opportunity to have an input in the running of the centre by giving their ideas on what their children like to participate in and eat. It’s pleasant to know that my child will be safe and catered for during before and after school care with activities that she enjoys. In saying this, I have seen variety of activities offered already at before and after school care involving all children such as reading corners, Lego, board games, arts and craft activities that change daily in the creativity, dancing, listening to music, singing karaoke and in the afternoon outdoor activities including basketball, cricket, ball tossing and many more. Once again congratulations to all the staff members for their continuous efforts to keep all children safe and entertained through both sessions during the week. Well done to you all.

Christina Pentodzis

I am writing to express how happy I am to have my son attending before and after care service. It’s a really affordable service and the staff are always friendly. My son is so happy to have the variety of things to do under their care. This means a lot to me as I am a busy mum. I hope we can continue to use the services over the years to come.

Hayley Dean